Volume 63 (2019)
Isman Kurniawan, Kazutomo Kawaguchi, Kimikazu Sugimori,Takeshi Sakuraand, and Hidemi Nagao:
Theoretical studies on electronic structure and properties of type I copper center in copper proteins
pp. 1-13.
MS Arwansyah, Koichi Kodama, Isman Kurniawan, Tatsuki Kataoka, Kazutomo Kawaguchi, and Hidemi Nagao:
Molecular dynamics study of free energy profile for dissociation of ligand from CA I active site
pp. 15-28.
Yoshiho Akagawa, Shuichi Morikawa, and Seiro Omata:
A numerical approach based on variational methods to an elastodynamic contact problem
pp. 29-44.
Abdul Rahim and Kyohsuke Ohkawara:
Species composition of herbivorous insects and ants on trees in the plantations of durian Durio
zibethinus and citrus fruits Citrus amblycarpa in Tarakan Island of Borneo
pp. 45-58.
Hiroki Nakada and Akihiko Yokoyama:
Rapid separation method for protactinium from uranium using manganese oxide filter cake
pp. 59-66.
Mochammad Hafiizh:
Convolutional Neural Network to Classify Capillaries of Images in Human Fingertips
pp. 67-78. [2023-05-30 posted]